Friday, January 14, 2011

Crazy week!!

Hey everyone, sorry I haven't posted for almost a week now.  This has been a crazy week here.  It snowed like six inches at my house and well we just aren't prepared for that here in GA, lol!!! I know anyone in the north will probably laugh, but my work was closed for 3 days and Thursday my normal drive of 40 minutes took over 2 hours.  It was craziness!!  So needless to say I was just totally lazy and didn't blog what I ate at all.  I didn't totally make awful choices thought.  I ate things like meatloaf and pork chops.  I had some egg sandwiches for breakfast.  I didn't really eat that much.  Its funny how I wanna eat more when I am bored at work then when I am at home.  I would think its the other way around haha but not for me.  I will be back to regular blogging Monday and try to post what I eat so I can get critiques, that always helps me be more accountable for what I eat.  Hope all you girls are having a great week.  Big hugs to all!


  1. We all have to learn how to deal with moments that throw our normal schedules off. I think that's one of the keys to success...adapting to different circumstances without allowing it to throw us off.

    Take care.

  2. I don't know if you noticed, but I replied to your comment on my recent post. I always forget to let people know that.
